Are You Angel, Demon, or In Between?

By: Ana Rinkevich
Created: 10 days ago
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Have you ever wondered where your soul truly belongs? Are you a beacon of light, spreading kindness and positivity everywhere you go? Or do you have a mischievous, rebellious streak, drawn to chaos and adventure? 

Maybe you’re somewhere in between—a mix of both good and bad, balancing light and dark within yourself.

This quiz will help you discover if you’re an angel, a demon, or something in between. Angels are known for their kindness, selflessness, and unwavering sense of justice. 

They lift others up, bring hope, and always strive to do what’s right. If you’re the type who always looks out for others, values honesty, and tries to make the world a better place, you just might have angelic wings hidden beneath the surface.

Demons, on the other hand, are the rule-breakers, the thrill-seekers, and the ones who don’t mind stirring up a little trouble. They’re charming, confident, and bold, unafraid to take risks or speak their minds. 

If you find yourself drawn to the unknown, preferring excitement over predictability, and living life on your own terms, you might have a bit of demonic energy running through your veins.

But then, there are those who walk the fine line between light and dark. You might have moments of kindness and compassion but also embrace your rebellious side when needed. Maybe you play by the rules most of the time but aren’t afraid to bend them when necessary. If you’re complex, unpredictable, and adaptable, then you may fall into the mysterious "In Between" category—someone who understands both sides of the spectrum.

Are you ready to find out where you truly belong? Take this quiz and uncover your supernatural identity!

About Ana

Ana Rinkevich

Hi, quiz lovers! I'm Ana, and I can't imagine my morning coffee without scrolling new quizzes. So I started writing them. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity." I'm sure that curiosity is our most powerful tool to learn the world around us and inside us. And quizzes are the most curious way to learn a bit of everything. So don't waste your time. Pick a quiz, and let's find out your today's score!